Welcome to "The Cloud Today"

There is so much going on with Cloud Computing today that no one person can keep up with it. Please help me by sharing your thoughts, questions, or anything for that matter that is relevant.Email: blogkeeper@conversif.com

Thursday, December 31, 2009

How secure is the cloud?

The cloud is our friend.  There will always be a resistance to change from those business and individuals and businesses that clearly have a stake in the past. They will constantly remind us that it is always unsafe to move away from proven technologies no matter what the benefits are. The thing that you have to remind yourself is that innovation requires taking some degree of risk and to mitigate the risk with good practices.  Security of your data seems to be one of the big areas of concern when the cloud is used for anything.  Not to be taken lightly but there are good basic procedures that can insure adequate security. So is all the worry worth it or are there really unsubstantiated fears trying to keep us where we are?

Here are some considerations:
  1. The benefits for business out weigh the risk
  2. Software functionality can provide a better user experience, enhance marketing, or reduce server/Internet processing requirements and improve the business significantly 
  3. Web 2.0 weaknesses are not really all that different from Web weaknesses of the past and can be mitigated through good management.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Do you have a minute to respond to a survey?

On-line surveys and polls that you are asked to take just a few minutes to respond to are becoming more common place while poking around the web and in emails these days. Sometimes there is some small incentive to participate, but usually that's not why I respond. There has to be something about the survey that I have an interest in, and I would like to think that my small little voice can make a difference.  
More often than not, these surveys and polls are done from the web as a cloud model.

Google's Docs with its forms feature provides a variety of ways to deliver a survey, from posting it on a blog or web site to emailing the form or a link. One of the neat things is that responses to Google Forms go directly into a spreadsheet which can be graphed, tabulated or posted back to the web with its results.  Google makes it simple enough to learn and implement, but there is still quite a bit of room for improvement on the look and feel.  None the less, it works flawlessly.

Some of other more common offerings are:   
If you decide to do a survey or poll remember the first rule, the KISS rule. (or Keep It Simple Stupid) If you break this rule don't expect to get any reasonable percentage of responses. Folks just won't give you their time.

It is fair to assume that getting feedback from customers and prospects will help you shape your business to their needs and shape your image as someone who cares.  If you don't,  then forget this idea and start preparing to shut down your business! 

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Traveling this time of year with the cloud is so nice!

Through the holidays I've been traveling quite a bit and I don't know what I'd be doing in the car on a long trip with out my smart phone and the web. (of course I'm not driving)   Mobile computing is becoming more dependent on the services that are available from the cloud because you don't always have your computer with you and you may need to access information that is important and requires urgent attention.
Smart phones and netbooks are really convenient pair of devices from a mobility stand point.  You can get to almost anything you need from just about anywhere with a smart phone and a netbook. With a data plan on my smart phone (a Nokia E71) I can get Google maps and directions just about anywhere.  If I need to do some serious web surfing, I can plug my phone into my netbook and use the phone as a modem to get to about everything I need.  It's not so good for watching Youtube or other videos, but it works well with most other content. (I find myself watching videos on my phone because they seem to run faster with the lower connection speed than the netbook). Mobility is better than ever with cloud computing.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Radio from the cloud.

And why not radio from the cloud?  We've got to be reminded that mobile phones are really radios.  Yes they are!  So what's my point you ask?  Well look at Pandora as an example of some of what the potential of web radio or Internet radio.  It's like satellite radio without the special equipment and also very personalized. You can use a variety of smart phones such as the iPhone, Blackberry, Android and MS equipped phones and listen to your own music channel while you're on the go, or use your computer to play music that you like in the background.  
Why is this so cool? The keys to a successful business model today is that it has to be: 
  1. Digital
  2. Virtual,
  3. Mobile
  4. Personal
  5. Integrated
Web radio gets this done.  There's still room for the integration bit, but it will shape up in time.  Maybe driven by your mood, your presence, your location, or one of the many attributes that emerge as "relevance" starts making its way into prioritizing all sorts of things. Our social networks will allow us to know what others that we interact with, are listening to, what they like about a tune and if they are listing to it now and where is it coming from so that we might be able to listen to it also. 

There are endless scenarios that will develop to bring music on demand to the forefront of our music experience as we apply the old rules of making music more available to the consumer.  Am I referring to convenience as an a key driving factor.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that is the 'killer app'.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Read all about it!

Getting in tune with Cloud Computing has become a real challenge because of the speed at which information, products and services have been moving toward the cloud.  The way it can best be described is as a "black hole".  The Cloud is growing at exponential rates. 
Here's a list of links that might help you get up to speed. 

Friday, December 18, 2009

Collaboration is natural from the Cloud

Over the past few years collaboration has taken off as a way of doing business.  Webex, GoToMeeting, are some of the popular meeting tools that have been deployed as a SaaS (Software as a Service) model. These products have been very successful and have basically proven out the the value of outsourcing a business application that runs in the cloud. 
The adoption rate for using these tools has continued to increase and are used globally for a variety of meetings from training, support, sales, project management, webinars and the list goes on. 
Some of the things that have made these types of application work are the fact that they are fairly hardware friendly which means you don't have to replace your equipment to use them. There are a few kinks that are complained about now and then such as having to download some software on to your system.  Usually not much of an issue but none the less it is one more thing to do.  Also they often require you to call into a conference bridge and enter your pin number etc. which can be problematic.  Expense has be come the biggest complaint since the more you use them the more they cost, but generally they work and everyone can collaborate.
The newest generation of this family of products are now virtually free and provide built in VoIP conferencing, video conferencing, white boarding, desktop sharing, as well as traditional audio conferencing. DimDim is an example of one such service that brings web collaboration and desktop collaboration together through the cloud.  You should really check them out. They offer a free and a paid model and a very simple scheduling and inviting process which is key to their success. 

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Salesforce.com delivers value from the cloud

Salesforce.com should get a lot of credit for proving what can be done with the cloud model for a business application.  They are one of the most notable supplier of CRM (Customer Relationship Management)  and realized early on the potential that a SaaS (Software as a Service) offering has in building a global following.
Some of the keys to their success are: 
  1. Simplicity of use
  2. Try before you buy
  3. Training modules on-line
  4. Pricing the is affordable
  5. Service, service, service
  6. Integration with many apps
  7. Distribution through local reps.
  8. Comprehensive product
  9. Suite of ad on products
Not a simple formula, but one that makes you stand out and rise to the top.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Music from the Cloud

Streaming music is just a simple example of using the cloud for media distribution.  It provides easy access to photos, music , videos and other real time media.  Hope you enjoy the holiday music.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Google and the Cloud

Google has taken everything they can to the cloud from their Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, to start and then there is Youtube, Maps, Earth, Picasa, .... it just keeps going.  
Where will it end.  It won't. Their Android OS for mobile phones,  and their Chrome OS for the future net books, indicate that Google wants to be on the top of the cloud and are giving it everything they can to make it simple and affordable. (free)
Everyone has a favorite Google tool and my current one is Google Mobile. The latest version which runs on smart phones has an amazing feature... Voice Search!  Simply stated, you push a button on your phone, say what you want and it appears at record speed on you mobile browser, voila!  I couldn't believe that it worked so well on my first try.  I pushed the green handset button on my phone and spoke the words " temperature in Panama City Florida" in less that 3 seconds it had converted my words to the exact text that I had spoken, done a search and presented me the current temperature and associated current weather information along with additional searches that it selected including the local radar link in case I wanted to see the weather condition too!  Mind boggling. I wish I knew how they did it so fast, but actually I don't care.  They hooked me.  No more typing for searches on my phone which has been a pain.  Its so cool.
I now find myself using it at wine stores asking for the price of a particular wine to see if I'm getting a good deal when the say its a sale, or I can say ... wine spectator rating ..... and include the name of the wine and instantly I've got the answer.
This is one cool feature but its even cooler if you have an Android supported phone so I'm told. I'll have to get one of these soon.  I've got more to say about Google Mobile and will have for a long time to come I bet.

Friday, December 11, 2009

First mobile blog

This should tell me if there's any chance for me to be a blogger. If I can do it from my phone, then there is hope!


What to do on a Cloudy Day?

Well I had to start somewhere with this blog and hopefully some of you will find it useful.  Cloud Computing has been the buzz for a while now and it still seems to be buzzing. It has become obvious to me for someone that is a sexagenarian (not a pervert, but it does have a good ring to it) That every time you turn around, someone comes up with a new term for the old stuff. That really makes it hard on us has beens. So with all of my research that I've done it turns out that what it amounts to is using the web for running your applications and storing your data.
Of course there's more to it than that, but that seems to be the essence of it.  Seems as though that's how its got its name WEB 2.0.  Web 1.0 was just searching and exchanging data including audio, images, and video and sending email.  If that wasn't cool enough, someone thought up another use for all of those servers that are sending you spam email and running adult videos. Thank God!  
Now the trick is to keep up with what's going on. Not an easy job with the likes of Google, Sun, Microsoft, Apple and every one else that jumped on the bandwagon.  So I'm hoping that I can be just one points of reference for those of you that actually care and don't want to miss out on being the first one on your block to know why something is happening that everyone is talking about.  I hope I can make it simple.  
Stay with me an let me hear your thoughts.(if they are not to painful) Help me out by letting me know what you think is cool or funny or just plain stupid.  So here goes. Wish me luck!