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Friday, February 5, 2010

Off we go into the wild blue yonder - or is it now the Cloud?

Yep, those are the first few words of the Air Force Song but the lyrics may have to change as the US Air Force has announced plans to build a military grade cloud network. Well that might not be any surprise to some, but lets ponder this a minute. Does this endorsement mean that our premier military agency has figured out that keeping data in the Cloud is more secure than having it hanging around on jump drives in Afghanistan? Has someone in the Pentagon just woken up and do they know something that we don't?

Actually I'd like work up a conspiracy theory that includes: Google, Halliburton, Carly Fiorina, Fox News, and Rush Limbaugh, and maybe a few others but can't seem to figure out the angle. Maybe there isn't one. I think we can all agree that we've thought of the Air Force as an entity, that not only adopted technology early on, but usually was responsible for funding the development of it. So why are they so late in the game with this disclosure, and why aren't the other military departments chasing Cloud technology?

Is it conspiracy or is it just grid lock. Here's my theory: since its called Cloud Computing the Air Force are the ones that are responsible for things that are consider in the sky. Of course this sounds silly, but I wouldn't put it past the higher echelons to have had grid lock on deciding who's job it is to capitalize on Cloud Computing and rationalized it this way. None-the-less, let's give everyone involved a big Hurray! Now maybe those nay-sayers about how secure the Cloud is will start looking for something else to dis.

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